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Gamescom & Competition


Be a part of Forgotton Anne!

Have you loved and lost something you’d like to see immortalized in the Forgotten Lands? Tweet two images - one a reference image of your forgotling and the other a written backstory - with the hashtags #gamescom2017 and #ForgottonAnne.

The winner will have their forgotling immortalized as a character in Forgotton Anne, and the top 5 will receive digital copies of the orchestral soundtrack!

The evaluation will be based on artistic and narrative potential.

Submission deadline: September 4th, 2017. 23:00 CEST.

*the ‘image’ can be anything from a reference photo or a rough sketch, to a fully rendered painting, and the backstory should contain no more than 1.000 characters.

  1. Tweet images - reference and backstory - of your forgotling w/ #ForgottonAnne & #gamescom2017

  2. Profit! I… I mean… Win!!! (maybe)

Also, Gamescom!

From August 22nd to 26th, we will be showing a brand new demo at Europe’s biggest trade fair for interactive games and entertainment: Gamescom in Cologne, Germany. We will also be premiering a new Story Teaser which will give you deeper insight into the world of Forgotton Anne.

Come meet us in Hall 9, Booth B-41, and give Forgotton Anne a try!

I will be present at our booth at Gamescom, so don’t hesitate to drop by and say hi if you’re attending! Participation in the forgotling contest is NOT limited only to show attendees, so feel free to send us your stories, whoever you are!

I look forward to meeting you, and to getting to know your forgotlings!

- Ingvi Snædal

Associate Producer, ThroughLine Games

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