Brandon Fague, Voice of Magnum, Secti, and Mr. Struct

Established in the entertainment industry for four years now; Missouri native, Brandon Fague, has acquired the professional reputation of transcribing words from script to an authentic perception for every role performed through the help of his mentors. A versatile actor from project to project; he anticipates the collaborating relationship(s) working alongside game developers to portray characterized storytelling through his training with coaches that specialize in speaking different dialects, motion capture, and character training. An avid gamer, comic book nerd and cartoon fanatic, Brandon believes that the things that excite you are not random. They are connected to your purpose, so follow them.
1. How did you get involved with the development of Forgotton Anne?
After 4 years of working in the industry as a video game voice actor I've had the pleasure of working on many great indie games. Though most people have probably never heard of them, but that doesn't mean they're not worth mentioning. Most of the projects I have worked on were horror games like Remothered: Tormented Fathers,Observer, Home Sweet Home, Hollow, The Beast Inside, etc. By the time it was all said and done I felt like I had become the master at saying "What the hell?" and "Ugh, my head." as the melancholic hero. It wasn't until last year that I started branching out of that genre and into more games like, Bladebound, Ancestors Legacy, and Forgotton Anne. It's been refreshing to say the least.

I didn't think I was going to be in this game when I first heard about it. When I first reached out to the team it was a year or two ago. They told me it was too early for any kind of voice acting in game and didn't know when they would be ready for it. Normally when you hear that, you're basically just kind of let down and have to practice patience while moving on to something else in the meantime. This was a project I really wanted to be apart of, though, and I checked back in with them a year later and they happened to be casting, thankfully. It was a game that I just couldn't pass up.
2. Can you tell us a bit about the characters you are playing in Forgotton Anne, and how you approached the roles?

Oh man. You want to talk about those crazy forgotlings?? So when I first auditioned for a part, Alfred, had me audition for them all. Soon after I was casted as Struct, Secti, and Magnum. They weren't my first choices honestly. I REALLY wanted to play Bulb but in the end Alfred knew what part I was best for in the story. It turned out to be fun playing characters that weren't meant to be taken seriously. Even playing a gun named Magnum who's got the voice of a hard-boiled police chief that's slightly psychotic. Struct is the cigar smoking teddy bear made out of 10% cotton and the rest, well, sarcasm. Then there's Secti... The anxious spotlight that tries to keep tabs on everyone but he means well. Ironic as it sounds, those forgotlings are some of the most memorable characters that I have ever played in a video game. I found it easier to play these characters because I have already used their voices on and off when telling stories with friends.
3. What do you think of Forgotton Anne and the project?

I don't want this to sound like a platitude but it's been amazing to be apart of a game like Forgotton Anne. Over all, the project went smoothly or at least I know my part did. Everyone on the team seems really nice and open to new ideas for the characters. This game had a unique concept, that's for sure. I'll never be able to look at an object in my apartment the same way ever again, haha! A lot of people praise the game's artwork, comparing it to Studio Ghibli's work. I hadn't watched my first Studio Ghibli film until after I finished my part on the project. As soon as a friend of mine caught word of that, she sat me down and immediately had me watch Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. I'd love to see Forgotton Anne be adapted into an animated film or a series one day. They better call me if they do. ;)

4. What's next for you?
Lately I've been exploring new forms of acting through short films and t.v. commercials, so I can be as versatile as possible in the industry. As a freelance actor, you find as much work as you put into it. Some people become famous over night and others it takes a while. Doors will open when they're ready to. It's time consuming and challenging, but worth it in the end. I never thought I would be doing this into my late 20's. A few of the games I've worked on in the past will be returning with sequels which is always nice. I've signed a lot of NDA's this month, so business is good! I'm wishing the best for this team. They deserve it. I'll be downloading Forgotton Anne the day it comes out.
5. If you were an object in the Forgotten Lands, what would you be?

Great question! I mean if I were going to be any object I probably wouldn't be a sock. No offense to anyone who would. :P
I would say my recording headphones which are the Audio Technica M50x model that I had autographed by Sean Bean. He's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. These headphones were the first real investment I made towards having my dream job. They have been a blessing ever since. They're sitting on my head most days, so I'd probably be lost without them. Your welcome, Audio Technica, for that free plug. If you happen to see me in the Forgotten Lands, I won't be crystalizing anytime soon... you can count on that. ;)